Willows 2018-19 EYFS
Welcome to Willows: 2018-19
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Helpful information
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Helpful Information
- P.E bags can stay at school as we like to be busy and use our energy.
We will send them home every half term. - Forest Schools will take place EVERY Monday afternoon. Please make sure your child has, or brings in, a bag of clothes that can get muddy and mucky. Layers are best to keep warm. And hats and gloves!
- Wellies can stay in school too as we like to get out and about, whatever the weather.
- Please make sure your child brings a suitable coat for outdoor play and exploration on a daily basis.
- PLEASE can ALL items of clothing be clearly named - from tops to socks!
- Book Bags will be sent home with a book, game or sounds to meet your child’s needs and share with you at home.
- We use Read Write Inc. to teach phonics. This is where your child will look at, say, explore and use the sounds of the alphabet. It is EXTREMELY beneficial and helpful if you could support your child with any games, sounds or activities that are sent home.
We hope you like exploring our pages.
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We hope you love to learn along with us.