Spring 2
Over the last couple of weeks we have made the most of our Outdoor Area.
Our Y6 buddies joined us for a Spring hunt, we worked in groups to make a nest and looked for frog spawn.
We looked at, sorted, felt
and smelt the bulbs.
We wondered if they were animal claws, bones or stones. Arthur knew to plant them but wasn’t sure why...so that’s what we have done! Watch this space to see!
We also made some bird feeders and a bird hide to see who came to visit them.
For the next few weeks we are exploring and finding out about Spring. We realised we were unsure about what happened in Spring so are looking forward to finding out more.
We really enjoyed reading and sharing our favourite books on World Book Day.
We also made our own dances and music to add to the story “Doing the Animal Bop”.
Just like Little Red Riding Hood, we met our Grannies this week. Instead of visiting them, we invited them to our class.
We used apples, just like Little Red Riding Hood, to make apple muffins.
We also made and gave our Granny a special card saying why she was so special.
Our Grannies told us all about where they used to live and who with when they were a little girl all over a sharedcup of tea and a cake.