Bugs, bulbs and seeds
More Spring Time exploration and learning...
We have made sound shakers, explored how to move the 5 little ducks who went swimming one day ( down a gutter!), cooked chocolate Spring nests, threaded a caterpillar, created a wildlife area and bird bath, planted bulbs and so much more!
We have started our Springtime topic based around the book “Jasper’s Beanstalk”.
The children chose to have a garden centre in the role play area and priced up all of their products!
We have been learning about and exploring how to use different gardening equipment in the sand tray as well as planting various seeds with what we think they may need to grow.
We have explored watering cans in the water tray as well as different sized jugs, we have measured and sorted canes and estimated how many handprints we would need to be the sameness height as ourselves.