Beeches 2023/24 Years 1 & 2
Contact Us
If you have a non-urgent enquiry, please email: – Teacher: Mrs Rylatt
Welcome to Beeches
Our school Vision is Love of Learning, Love of Life and Love of One another
Our School Value for this term is Responsibility
Our Topic this term is Seaside
Important dates- Wednesday 3rd July Sports day
Please bring PE kits in- we have PE scheduled on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. We will be outside so please bring leggings or joggers (Black or Navy)
Book Bags need to be in daily and we will change books at the end of the week.
Remember school starts at 8:45
Thank you
Mrs Rylatt
Barry Island trip
Topic Overview Seaside Summer 2024
Welcome To Beeches Class
Love of Learning, Love of Life
and Love of One Another
Spring 2024 Ruardean
Our Value of the term is Hope
Welcome to our class page, where you can see the fantastic and wonderful learning which is happening in our class.
Please see our toy topic overview to see other learning opportunities.
Here are some information and tips
*Please bring your coat and bookbag in daily.
*Remember to write in their reading record when you hear them read. (thank you for reading regularly at home)
* In winter you will need a named wooly hat, scarf and gloves as we will be going out as often as possible.
* Please label EVERYTHING, (jumpers, coats, drink bottles, snack pots and PE kits) as many things go missing in our classroom. (Please check our jumper box if you have a missing cardigan or jumper)
* Please leave precious and special items at home, as they will be placed on the side and returned to your children at home time. As they could go missing in the classroom, mixed up with class resources or broken in the classroom and we don't want anything to happen to them.
*Please bring a named water bottle. Children can drink regularly in class and will can refill it up throughout the day.
* The toilets are right next to the classroom and they can go when needed.
* Please bring your PE kit in the first week and we can place it our your peg. We will keep this in all term and spend it home every half term.
* PE kits -daps, black shorts and a red or white top. Our winter kit is a red, black or navy hoodie, red, black or navy leggings or joggers or a long sleeved t-shirt.
* PE is timetabled for Thursday and Friday afternoons but this may change so please keep your kit in school.
* Our reading fox will be coming home to motivate children to read, thank you for looking after him and filling in the booklet. The children have loved taking him home.
Please talk to me, if you have any question or wish to discuss anything. I will regularly be on the door in the morning and most afternoons at the end of the day. Otherwise please contact the office and we can have a chat.
School and lessons start at 8:45 so it is essential that your child is in school on time as we don't want them to miss out on their learning.
Please join us for Celebration Worship on Friday afternoon. It would be wonderful to see you there.
I am looking forward to an amazing year and learning so much together.
Mrs Rylatt
Big walk and wheels treasure hunt around the village and road safety
World book day 2024
Mental health week,
Welcome To Beeches Class
Love of Learning, Love of Life
and Love of One Another
Autumn 2023
Our Value of the term is Respect
Welcome to our class page, where you can see the fantastic and wonderful learning which is happening in our class.
In September we will be learning about 'The World and Me', where we will learning to name capital cities and discuss feature of different cities around the world. In History we will learn about the ‘Great Fire of London’ where we will learn about how the fire started and how things have changed, we will even build fire engines or wooden carts. Our science will be ‘Everyday Materials’ and 'Seasons'. We will be observing seasonal changes during the year. We will focus on Autumn and Winter in the Autumn term.
Please see our toy topic overview to see other learning opportunities.
I am looking forward to an amazing year and learning so much together.
Mrs Rylatt