Firs C&I Centre 2020-21
Summer Term 1
Here we are again - hopefully things will start to get more normal form now on!
This term we will be learning all about the seaside - this means looking at coasts, seaside towns, sea creatures and much more! Look at the topic web below to get more information.
Summer Term 2021 Seaside Topic Web
Firs visit to church to explore the Stations of the Cross with Rev. Clare
Weekly Home Learning overview - w/b 4th January 2021
School Closure due to Covid 19 - January 2021
As a result of school being closed due to the current 'lockdown', learning has now moved online and will be delivered on the Seesaw platform. Please log on to your seesaw account to access the work that has been set.
I will add links to other material to this page as an additional learning resource.
Please contact me in school if you need any advice or assistance.
Mr Wadsworth
Firs' Christmas songs 2020
Rememberance Day 2020
A lovely crop of potatoes! Planted during “lockdown”
Well, we made it back after the longest of times! It's lovely to see everyone into Firs (C and I Centre), and we can't wait to see one or to who have yet to join us.
We have started back really positively, and have been doing lots of lovely work on responding to change, and understanding and paying attention to our emotions.
Like the other classes, we will be using the book 'Here we are' to help us for the next couple of weeks. Here's a picture of it:
Welcome back video from Mr Wadsworth