Firs C & I Centre 2018-19
Our Trip to Cotswold Farm Park
Summer Term 2019
As the weather gets warmer we will start to focus more outside, and on the world around us.
Our topic this term is 'At the Farm'. We will explore and investigate what the different types of farms there are, where our food comes from, and wider aspects of caring for our environment.
There will be the usual emphasis on developing our language and interaction skills, and working well and getting on together.
Summer term 2 Topic web
Summer term 2019 - At the Farm Topic web
Tae kwon do during mental health week
Spring 2 2019! We are continuing with our topic on Castles, Knights and Dragons!
The year of the Pig!
Recreating 'Castle and Sun' by Paul Klee
Fantastic narrative retelling!

Happy New Year! Below is this term's topic web. We will looking at Castles and focusing on History of the surrounding area.
Christmas at Clearwell Caves!! With massive thanks to Cavendish Builders who made it possible.
Swimming! During the autumn term we went swimming. All the children did amazingly well and made amazing progress! 😊
Cheeky Pete Rhyme!!

Enjoy 🤗
Term 2 2018
Last term was jam-packed with learning and MASSIVE achievements!
We had break-throughs in so many areas...and we are really excited to see what happens in the forthcoming term!
Watch this space...
Term 2 Topic web
After a long, warm summer it's time to get back to school to enjoy our learning and continue to develop our relationships and skills.
Click on the link to see what we have in store for the next few months!
Topic web - All about me! (Ks1 & 2, and Reception)
sports day
Cathedral an Canal boat fun!
Summer Term
Welcome back after the Easter holiday! This term our topic will be The Fabulous Forest. We will be learning about the Forest Of Dean and surrounding area; focusing on the natural environment, the animals of the Forest, and all the great things that there are to do here.
We hope to spend lots of time in the Forest school area, and to go on some outings to places of interest in the local area.
Back in the Centre we will continue to focus on all of our specialist groups, and we would like to welcome Mrs Darby, our lovely speech and language therapist, back from her maternity leave.
See below for the topic web.
Fabulous Forest Topic Web
Spring term 2
As spring approaches we will be continuing with our topic on transport.
There will be the opportunity for some outings linked to our topic, and for other outdoor activities.
Tremendous Transport Planning
Christmas Dinner 2017 and Christingle Service
Gruffalo spotter auumn walk
Autumn 2
Welcome back after a well earned rest!
This term we will continue to focus on our 'All About Me' topic - with the same emphasis on self-awareness and emotions, as well as being good friends, and being kind to ourselves and others.
As the autumn continues we will look forward to the end of the term and our usual focus on festive activities!
Topic web and Critical path
Summer 2017
Wonderful Water!
This term we will be learning about water, its importance and its many uses. we plan to do geography, art and science all linked to or inspired by water. We hope to go on some visits that have water at their heart - but will also look at keeping safe!
Summer term 2017 - topic web
In the spring term of 2017 Firs' topic will be DINOSAURS!
We will be learning about these ancient beasts, their habitats and diets. We will even have a go a making moving dinosaur parts!
We will also have our usual focus on speech and language groups, social communication, along with emotions and self-regulation.
Please see below for this term's topic web.
Spring Term topic Web
Observing Fossils...Than making our own!
Awesome apparatus with Mrs Gait

Firs had a brilliant time at Viney Hill Christian adventure centre last week. EVERYONE was OUTSTANDING. ALL of the children far exceeded our expectations with their 'Give it a go!' attitudes. This has been a massive accomplishment for our class and we are all very, very proud!
A massive thank you to all who made it possible - especially Tracey, Donna and Mrs Kyte! X
A few pics of our fun! - More to follow...
Welcome to Firs C and I Centre!
Autumn Term 2 - Pirates!
We are continuing with our Pirate topic this term. we are also preparing for our residential to Viney Hill.
There will also be the expected and enjoyable preparation for Christmas!
This Term's Topic
Some pictures from our last topic
Medieval Dancing.

Firs Trip To Raglan Castle!
Attacking castles with catapults!
Labeling the features of a castle.
Making Motte and Bailey castles!
Our trip to Pizza Express!
Website Links for Info
Here are a selection of websites that may be of use: