Spring 2
Willows held a Mother’s Day Morning Tea today for their special person in their life. We had made beautiful cards, written wonderful poems using numbers and decorated tablecloths.
We made a fabulous fruity salad with our grown up and shared it by eating it!
Then we had delicious cakes and a cup of tea (or squash!)
It was a truly lovely morning full of smiles, chatter, food and cuddles.
For the last couple of weeks, and until the end of term, we are learning about each other and ourselves -
what makes us special, places and people that are important to us and how to look after ourselves.
We have had a great time making healthy pancakes, creating dances, visiting the doctors as well as inventing washing machines!
We have had a great week or two exploring Chinese New Year.
We have followed instructions to make, bake and taste Chinese vegetable spring rolls, as well as how to make a Chinese lantern.
We painted dragons, tried noodles, had a Tai Chi session thanks to
Mr. Wadsworth and frightened Oaks with our Chinese Dragon!