Collective Worship
Nows, Ows and Wows Worship.
This term we have been looking at the Nows, Ows and Wows we experience in life.
“The golden glue of spirituality can heal you. It makes us more beautiful, more energetic and makes our personality grow a bit more.” Pupil in year 5
“The cracks are easily mended because of the golden glue” Pupil in year 1
Nows - These are the every day ordinary times: being able to be present in the moment,
thinking of what we have now and how lucky we are to be here, now
(Being thankful - God is not just for emergencies)
“ A now is like I need to take a think” Pupil in year 5
“The ‘nows’ mean you can take a breather; we can sit down like in forest schools and just listen to the birds” Pupil in year 2
Ows - These are the things that can go wrong. They can knock the breath out of you.
“An ‘Ow’ is when something hurts you in life either physically or mentally”
Pupil in year 4
“We can learn from our ‘Ows’ so they don’t hurt so much if it happens again. The golden threads of spirituality is like the glue that fixes the cracks so you can be stronger and even more beautiful” Pupil in year 4
Wows - These are the awe and wonder moments. The times when you want to breathe in and capture the feeling, holding onto it as long as you can.
“A ‘wow’ is a really cool thing that you really like – say I saw the sunset that would be like wow” Pupil in year 4
“ A ‘wow’ is like you are so blown away and will never forget that moment” Pupil in year 5
“The ‘wows’ are helping me as they have stopped me from being so negative. Now I just get on with it and roll with it” Pupil in year 5
“It helps me to relax” Pupil in year 1
“ It helps me to fix things” Pupil in year 1
“It helps me to take a breather sometimes” Pupil in year 2
Christmas Tree Festival - our Nows, Ows and Wows Tree with our golden thread of spirituality.
Festival of light December 2024
Harvest service 25th October 2024
Worship team September 2024
Worship team
Messy church October 2023
Teams4U shoebox appeal
This year we collected an amazing 24 shoeboxes for the appeal!
They were collected by Keith and Sandy, ready to be sent to countries where less fortunate children will have something lovely to open on Christmas Day.
Thank you all for your amazing support 😊
Messy church- respect October 2023
Respect worship (love of one another) 25th October 2023
Worship team 2023
Harvest worship 2023
Harvest Festival 2023
Candlemas 3rd Feb 2023
Worship Team January 2023
Epiphany January 6th 2023
Advent worship
Friendship Prayer Station (Jonathan Kear) 15th November 2022
All Saints Day 1st November 2022-Rev Clare lead our worship
Worship Team - Today the Worship Team focused on the line 'Give us today our daily bread' from The Lord's Prayer. Children had the opportunity to listen, answer questions on what we 'need, like, want and don't need'. They had time to reflect on the meaning of the words and the symbolic meaning of the bread. 12th October 2022
Worship Team - September 2022
Messy Church with Rev Clare - The Good Shepherd - May 2022
Bishop Robert visit and leading Collective Worship, followed by Churchyard Consecration service
Harvest Service 2021
Please click here to visit our Video Resource Centre to view the class contributions to our service.