Spring 1
The theme we are exploring this term is
"Woods and Wanders".
We are having a great time finding out about our woods in Ruardean, especially our Forest School area.
The story of Little Red Riding Hood is helping us.
Skills Overview Spring 2020
Our challenge in the woods today was to see if we could climb a tree, how to do it safely and how we felt before, during and after our climb.
Before... “I’m scared!” “I can’t!”
During ... lots of giggles, noises and a bit of quiet thinking! As well as friends giving helping advice.
After... “I climbed a tree!” “ I did it!” “I feel proud” “I’m going to climb a tree next week too!”


Beware of the big bad wolf!

This week we explored building and making using 3 D shapes.
We have been looking at how we get to somewhere and what we need.
We have created maps, paths and places.