Beeches 2018-19 Year 1 & 2
Welcome to Beeches Class!
It's hard to believe that we have begun the final, summer term! This year has flown!
Please see below for our Topic Plan overview for this term 'Dungeons and Dragons'
The learning will be driven by our three curriculum drivers:
We look forward to working alongside you once again this term,
Mrs Smith and Mrs Rylatt (Beeches Class Teachers)
Y2 Parents/Guardians
Scroll down for a link to a video about KS1 SATs tests that will be carried out in May.
2018 Key Stage 1 tests
This 6-minute video provides information for parents about the Key Stage 1 tests, including the optional Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Test. A downloadable version is available for schools: A separate video is available for schools not using the GPS test:
Beeches Planning and Curriculum Documents
Bing Bunny Have fun making a colourful picture with Bing and Flop.