Oaks 2023/24 Years 5 & 6
Contact Us
If you have a non-urgent enquiry, please email:
Oaks@ruardean.gloucs.sch.uk - Teacher: Mrs Haroun
Year 6 Residential Trip to Viney Hill
Y6 SATs Timetable
Welcome to Oaks Class.
Remember our school day starts at 8:45 now so make sure you are here and ready to start your day by then. We will open the doors at 8:40.
Reading record need to be in school every Monday showing that you have read 5 times a week.
PE kits to be worn into school every Tuesday and Thursday.
I'm looking forward to sharing a great year with you all.
Mrs Haroun
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to a new year and new term!
Below you will find a a link to the term's overview.