Homework ideas from Mrs Smith and Mrs Rylatt
Firstly, this format of learning is so new to us and we want to support you as best as we can, we have a class email address if you need any support, ideas or clarification. beeches@ruardean@gloucs.sch.uk
We sent home writing books so children can write their answers in the books rather than printing lots off. You can write a date and title such as counting 2's tasks. KEEP THE TASKS SHORT AND FUN!
In Maths (last week and until the end of half term)
Year 1 focus on
counting to 50, (forwards and backwards- missing numbers, which number is missing) the number square would be a good resources.
matching quantities to numbers such as find me 12 counters and write the number
writing numbers correctly,
creating number lines, draw a line then write 0-10 on the line, can you fill in the other numbers, then 0-20, etc
ordering numbers to 50, start to 10, then 20 etc do this forwards and backwards
counting in steps of 2's, 5's and 10's, marching on the stop counting or up the stairs or linking to PE tasks.
Year 2 focus
writing numbers correctly, word and number form.
times tables (X2, X5, X10) and division facts
Fractions, linking to shapes and numbers (recording 1/4 of 8=2- using resources to help) sheets on website
Recently we learnt the yes no game. Someone write a number down between 0-100 then using hit the button 100 number sqaure, ask the person a question which they can only answer yes or no to? (is it an odd number? more than 50? has 7 ones?) count how many questions it took to find out the number.
SAT's Tasks
Handwriting (one letter at a time) -Letter Formation sheet provided in work-pack and website and record in workbook -2/3 a week
Spelling (3 words at a time) record in workbook-2/3 a week
Year 1's Phonic X3/4 a week (check which set your child is on with your child or drop us an email)
Writing spellings in sentences
Writing linking to their topic focus
Topic- find out what your child wants to learn and this will be the best type of learning or something that inspires you,
have projects weeks/days where you are finding out about different times in history, places, artsisit (have a go at their style of art), famous people in past and today.
Regular physical activities is very important, listen to music and talk about the style, learn new songs, learn sign language.
sketching the view from your garden, write letters to friends or family even the children at school,
recording work doesn't have to do on paper, you could type it up and email us, make a PowerPoint, take photographs or even record your learning.
This is the perfect time to spend time with your family, talk about what you use to enjoy as a child, look at old photo album, or when they were younger, read books together, watch your favourite film/cartoon when you were younger. Teach your children to cook and do jobs around the house.