Larches 2019-20 Year 3 & 4
Well this is it lovely, lovely Larches...we have reached the end of the school year.
I am so proud of each and every one of you (parents included) for adapting to this new way of learning. I have been delighted to receive you photos and messages each week, it has really kept me going whilst I have been at home.
This week the IXL champions spot has been calculated a little differently...I have looked back at our time with IXL and seen how many questions you have answered and how long you have spent in total over the weeks. The children with the highest scores are....
....drum roll please.....
Sienna, Leo W and Amelia! Together they have answered a massive 7,997 questions and have spent almost 47 hours on IXL, exercising their maths brains. I would like to say a huge well done to these three but also to all of you who logged on.
There are a few photos to look at this week, also you can check out the new Video Resource Centre (under the 'children' tab) where I now upload the videos you send me.
This week I am also sharing a couple of pieces of work from Oaks, two projects which have been worked on over the past few months. James has created a fab book which I have put onto a slideshow, it made me laugh! Also, Ed (and Mum!) have produced an excellent guide to trees of our forest. It really is a useful booklet, I am definitely printing one off to use at school.
So that's all from me for now, have a fabulous Summer and I look forward to seeing you all again FOR REAL in September!
Mrs A
Last Friday Celebration!
Well done James!
Trees by Ed Barnes
Larches, it our final week of the school year!
So this week I am setting you some challenges to get yourself ready to come back to school in September. I just know that you will do your absolute best! Click on the rainbow to find out more...
I am also including a link to the Wyldwood Arts projects. This is something new to me that I hope we can get more involved with next year. Many of their projects are about bringing communities together, in particular young people and some of our oldest community members. As their projects have been on hold, they have produced a newspaper called 'The Meeting Post'. Have a look at their website and at a copy of the newspaper. It has loads of ideas for things to do.
I hope that you will still continue to think about our local habitats and all you have discovered over the past few weeks. If you are interested in finding out more about what we are doing to our planet, then WWF has a theme of 'plastic pollution' this week. The link is under the rainbow.
Finally, as libraries begin to re open, it is a great time to check out The Summer Reading Challenge. Click on the website link to join the challenge.
Enjoy your last week and remember to send me your photos!
Mrs A
Friday Time!
If you took part in this week's sports day, the I hope you had fun. Mrs Rylatt is busy collecting all your photos and videos so keep checking on the Sports Day 2020 page to see what Ruardean has achieved!
Talking of achievements, I am so proud to say that our school has won the Hands on Art competition! We came first out of 14 schools in the Forest of Dean. I am even more proud to say that Harry actually achieved first place in the Junior section for his beautiful painting and that Isobel, Jess H, Kaiden and Lleneah got a special finalists mention. Well done to all of you who were selected, especially Harry and the other finalists. You can see all of the winning entries on the Rotary Club website link below.
IXL champions this week are Leo W and Sienna! You two have clocked up over 3 hours of maths and answered 412 questions! Well done to you both.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs A
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Harry's winning painting
Friday Celebration
Mrs A in Training!

It's time for our virtual sports week!
I hope you have all had a chance to watch our wellie wanging video, you will find it by using the link under the speedy snail to our new Sports Day 2020 page of the website. Mrs Broddle is a legend!
Now it is over to you. There is a list of events for you to try...don't forget to do some training first. As you can see from the little video of my training session I still need a lot more practice Luckily Year 6 have made some 'how to' videos in case you want any help.
There are also lots of other things to keep you busy this week, so have a look under the speedy snail to find out more.
This week our whole school will be sharing their photos and videos of sports day, so make sure you remember to send them in to me.
Have a fun week everyone!
Mrs A
Friday already
I don't know about you but this week seems to have flown by! Thank you for those of you who sent me your hedgehog posters and information. Did you find out about ways to save the planet? Together we can make a difference! I hope you enjoy the slideshow.
Our IXL champions this week are Amelia, Sienna and Leo W, well done you three, you have spent 6 hours practising and answered almost 1000 questions!! I have to say that Leo himself actually answered 444 questions this week and spent over 3 hours on IXL, a huge amount of maths, awesome work Leo.
There is one thing in particular I would like to celebrate this week. First I would like to thank those of you who sent in stories or poems for the Mitcheldean Writing Competition. Bertie entered a story and has been awarded a Special Commendation by the judges! I am so proud of him as he was competing against children up to age 11. This is a quote from one of the judges...'It was a strong story in a very strong year and, if you know of any animators I think it has the makings of a brilliant animated or graphic story.'
It is an excellent story and so I wanted to share it with you. Well done Bertie, enjoy 'The Quest for the Coronavirus Vaccine'.
Have a nice weekend everyone, remember to check your emails on week's activities will be a little different!
Mrs A
Friday Celebration!
Hello Larches!
Welcome to week 10,
This week you are going to find out about how our environment can change and not always for the better. Animal's habitats are in danger but you can help!
Human beings are amazing things but sometimes we do not always make the best decisions for all life on Earth.
We are very lucky here in the Forest of Dean to have a group called The Foresters' Forest. Hopefully you have already heard of them and the great work they do in our local environment.
Find out about all this and more by checking out what lies beneath the cute hedgehog image above.
Have fun!
Mrs A
It's that Friday feeling!
Hi everyone, I hope you have had another good week. We have had some pretty intense temperatures over the last couple of days...phew, sweltering at my computer. But it is all worth it when I see your fabulous photos being pinged my way. There were not so many this week so we have a shorter slideshow, but there is an animation video treat from Tilly.
I really hope you all got to step into the wonderfully cool woodlands and measure a tree. I did not get any photos of that this week. Perhaps also that you did a bit of forest bathing....ahhh that's better (mind calmed!)
This week the IXL champions are Tilly, Sienna and Lexie. Well done you three for answering a total of over 900 questions in almost 7 hours of maths practice. Awesome work!
I hope you have a lovely weekend and I look forward to what next week brings
Mrs A
Friday Celebration!
Tilly's Bakery

Here we are on week 9...and the weather's looking fine!
Hey, I am a poet and I didn't know it I wish I had started every week like that now!
I hope you are all ok and enjoying some of the home learning activities each week. Here are a few more ideas that will give you a chance to get out into the forest habitat all around us. I want to set you the challenge of measuring a tree, all is explained in the Tree Explore pack. Please can you photograph your chosen tree and send me its measurements.
While you are in the forest you can try a bit of 'forest bathing' to calm your mind and soothe your soul...find out more on the pdf.
This week's science is all about food chains, find out who eats what (or who!).
We only have 8 more days left with IXL so please carry on the amazing work you have been doing, I wonder how many questions you will have answered by the end of the week?
If all of this is not enough then the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons are still out there for you. Oh and I found a lovely couple of videos from one of my favourite people, David Attenborough, fascinating stuff about climate in different habitats.
I am pretty sure with all that plus your reading and spelling practice you have enough to keep you busy this week..
Have fun!
Mrs A
Friday Celebration Time!
It has been so lovely to see your Summer solstice art this week, I have decided to combine Larches and Oaks in one gallery slideshow so you can see it all. I must though give a special mention to Heidi who has produced the most wonderful piece of art. It is truly stunning Heidi well done.
Larches and Oaks combined have now answered over 20,000 questions on IXL, wow! But our IXL champions this week are Amelia, Lexie and Leo W, together you have answered over 1,500 questions and spent just over 10 hours practising. A huge well done to you three.
We have a special musical treat this week from Willow, thank you for sharing your talents with us Willow.
I hope you all have a good weekend, thank you to everybody that sent me photos this week.
Bye for now
Mrs A
Friday Celebration!
The Summer Solstice Gallery
Willow's musical recital

Here we are in week 8!
This week, we continue with our topic of living things and their habitats. There is a Powerpoint attached under the new sun icon with a focus on branching keys. These can be used to classify living things but you can have a bit of fun classifying sweets so please take a look.
You may be wondering why I have chosen a sun icon...? Well this weekend is a little bit special. Find out more by looking at the weekly sheet and clicking the link to the English Heritage website. I am really hoping to see some beautiful work produced this week, all the images you send me will contribute to our showcase gallery on Friday.
Enjoy your week everyone, I look forward to seeing what you have been doing.
Mrs A
Friday Celebration Time!
Wow! What a week it has been, you have sent me so many fabulous wildlife photos, thank you so much to those of you who sent me your work this week.
This week we have a special treat from James in Oaks, he has been working on a project since we started learning at home. He found some newt eggs last autumn which he then hatched and looked after over winter to release this spring. So James has put together a slideshow for you all to share in his experience.
The other news to celebrate is your IXL success! This week our champions are Tilly, Sienna and Leo W, a huge well done to you three, altogether in just one week you have answered over 1000 questions and spent almost 10 hours on IXL! That is an incredible achievement. It has helped us achieve the huge award of answering over 15,000 questions!
I hope you enjoy looking at all the fabulous things you have done this week.
Bye for now,
Mrs A
Friday Wildlife Celebration!
James's Newt Project
More Friday Celebrations
It is time for Week 7!!
This week we begin our new topic, living things and their habitats. This is a great topic to be doing at home as you can all get outside to see animals, find out where they live and what they need to survive. You will become wildlife experts as you observe carefully and document what you see, either by photograph or drawing.
If you look under the new hedgehog above you will find the weekly activity sheet and all the information you need to get started on this topic.
As always, I would like to see some photographs of what you have done this week. Or even a video...I have already grabbed my phone and filmed some wildlife, I just cannot believe what the bee can do with its head! Look below to find out...bonkers! Remember to be careful with any animal that can sting, they need their personal space just like we do.
Could you be the next David Attenborough or Steve Backshall?
Mrs A
IXL Success, Friday celebration, Spring challenges and a special treat from Lily,
scroll down to see it all!
Big congratulations to Sienna, Layla-May and Leo W who have spent the most time on IXL this week, together they did over 7 hours of maths!
Wow! Well done to all of you who have made this happen...10,000 questions!
Friday Celebration Time! Week 6
Larches Spring Challenges! Well done everyone :))
Lily has taught herself to play the piano, this is only two weeks of learning. Amazing Lily!!

Welcome back to the final term of the year!
I really hope you are all ok and are enjoying this fab weather. Remember that sun cream though... I accidentally forgot to put some on my face and now I look like a tomato! I will not do that again.
Click on the new blue swirl to find out what you can be doing this week. As always, I absolutely love hearing from you and miss you all so keep sending me your photos. I have made a little video to say 'hi'.
Bye for now,
Mrs A
Hello Larches! 2.mp4

End of Week 5 - 22nd May
Oh my goodness!
Larches, you have been amazing on IXL Maths. We have been sent this certificate for reaching the 2,000 question milestone BUT you have actually answered 3,129 questions in total!!
You are incredible but I am going to give a special mention to those children who have answered over 200 questions each, they are:
Sienna, Willow, Harry, Matthew and Leo W - well done!
However two of you are the IXL Champions for answering over 1000 questions between you....
Tilly and Amelia!!!
You two have also spent a total of 7 hours and 51 minutes practising your maths skills. A huge well done to both of you.
I am so proud of all of you for logging on, if you have not done this yet then please have a go next term. It really is a great way to keep your maths skills going while you are at home.
BBC Bitesize Top Tip!

Hello you lovely lot!
It is week 5 and the last week of term, the time seems to have whizzed by. Thank you for sending in all your fab photos, they always make me smile.
This week I am signing you all up to IXL maths. This means that you can practice all of your maths topics online. I can log on and see what great maths you have all been doing.
I am also including a Spring Challenge sheet for you this week. There are lots of things to keep you busy this week and through your half term holiday if you are stuck for things to do. Click on the pink swirl for the weekly sheet and links to everything else you need.
Please remember to keep practising your times tables and to send me any entries for the writing competition by the end of the week. Don't forget those BBC Daily Lessons too!
Have a fun week everyone and remember to keep sending me those photos.
Bye for now,
Mrs A
Great news! Matthew's new brother and sister have arrived, welcome to the world Bella Ivy and Taylor James. Congratulations to Matthew and his family. We can't wait to meet you!!!
End of Week 4 - 15th May
Week 4 begins!
Thank you to everyone who sent me their VE Day photos, I really enjoyed looking at them. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
This week I am suggesting that you have a go at entering a writing competition. All the details are under the new swirl above.
The other challenge I would like to set is that you all learn your times tables by half term! A huge well done to those who already know them but remember you also need to know those division facts and to be able to recall them pretty quickly. You have two weeks until half term so really go for it! It will help you so much with your maths when we get back to school.
Here is a reminder of what you should know (but year 3 , you go for it if you think you could learn more!)
Year 3 - 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8
Year 4 - all of them up to 12
I am looking forward to hearing all about what you have been doing, including all those lovely creative things you do to keep yourselves in a happy place.
Bye for now smashers!
Mrs A
VE Day Celebrations! 8th May
We will do our usual Friday celebration next week but I wanted to share these photos now. What a fantastic achievement Finley!
Hello from Mrs A! What a funny freeze frame face :))

Hello everyone,
Welcome to week 3! This week is a little bit special as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day. Take a look at the weekly activity sheet to find out more. Click on our Week 3 Union flag at the top to find the pdf for the weekly sheet and a complete activity pack full of ideas for you plus recipes and decorations for you to hold your own stay at home street party!
Please send me pictures of anything you do for VE day this week so I can put it on the website. I cannot wait to see what you have done.
Have a fun week!
Bye for now,
Mrs A
Hello peeps!
It is Friday celebration time. This week we have some fab photos to share and also a Lego movie, musical treat and a report on carrots. Scroll down to see it all! Top job everyone.
Mrs A
End of Week 2 - 27th April
More Lego Movie Fun!

Larches Musician at Work!

Bertie's Carrot Report - It is fantastic!!
Hello lovely Larches!
Here we are, starting our second week of Summer Term. There is a green swirl at the top with a new weekly activity sheet, just click to find out what you could do this week.
Remember to stay in touch and email me lots of photos so I can share what you have been doing on the website for our Friday celebration.
Bye for now!
Mrs A
End of Week 1 - 20th April
A Special Treat! Bertie's Lego Movie

If you would like to do something like this with Lego or maybe with other models (I made a slipper move on its own once doing this!) then Bertie has shared the app he used. It is called STOP MOTION STUDIO.
Have fun everyone and thank you again Bertie.
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt...Can you work out who sent in photos?
Hello lovely Larches!
It is the start of our Summer Term, I hope you have been enjoying the fabulous sunshine and been able to get outside. I have set myself the challenge of doing the 'Couch to 5k' run and have been running three times a week. I definitely need the exercise because I have also been enjoying lots of chocolate over Easter!
I will be checking into this website every week where you will find ideas of things to keep you busy. Click on the red swirl at the top to see what you could be doing this week. You will see a new coloured swirl each week. Please do not worry if you cannot do everything. The most important thing is that you try your best and that you look after yourself.
You may also be able to see some of your work here if it makes the Friday celebration! Our email address is
I am looking forward to seeing you soon,
Best wishes,
Mrs A
Mystery Object - This was found in our school grounds by Sienna and Lily....what on earth is it? See if you can find out!
WOW!!!! The children's art work for the Hands on Art competition has blown me away. Well done to everyone, I can so clearly see the inspiration from Doug Eaton's work. A big well done to the 8 children whose paintings were chosen for the 'Life in the Forest' competition, it was so hard to choose from all these amazing works of art. You have made me very proud, Larches.
Larches had a visit from an artist! Doug Eaton was amazing and we all loved his paintings. He gave us some really good advice about our own art.
Celts in Forest School
Welcome to 2020!
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break. I am looking forward to another exciting term in Larches.
This term we are doing PE on Monday and Thursday. Please make sure you have warmer kit as we will be outside if possible.
I hope you have enjoyed looking through the fantastic photographs on our class pages. Keep a look out for more as they appear through Spring Term.
Mrs A
There was an earthquake in Somerset last week so we thought we should design and make earthquake alarms. Excellent design technology skills and fantastic use of our circuit knowledge.
We made our own fossils and then excavated them just like Mary Anning.
Larches Violin Performance - October 2019

Hopewell Colliery was flooded so we went mining in forest school instead!
Who made this mess?
Larches ran away to the circus!
A real archaeological dig at Ruardean Hill.
Our amazing earth layer models!
New Beginnings!
I hope you have all enjoyed your summer break. I am really looking forward to the new year with all of you. Our topic this term is 'Going Underground'. Take a look at the new topic web to find out more.
Larches will be doing PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can you make sure that you have a PE kit in school and that it includes long trousers and a warm top as the weather will be getting cooler. Also if girls are wearing tights they will need a pair of socks in their kit, I do have spares but would prefer if you could supply your own.
Here's to an exciting year ahead!
Best wishes
Mrs Arnett