2022 2023
Going on a caterpillar hide and seek and sorting them.
Restocking the bug hotel and planting a wild flower roof on top.

In our groups, we went on a Spring scavenger hunt and also looked for different holes and homes for creatures in our wood.
After listening to the story The Wild Woods, we made our own obstacle course using the same action words that Grandad had to do in the story.
Making bird food fatballs and shelters to keep us dry and warm.
Exploring different leaves and trees. Making art from nature. Can you spot which Autumnal animals we have made using leaves?
Our forest school session focussed on measuring and counting. We had to find 5 sticks as long as our lower arm in 5 minutes. We had to count or work out how many more we needed. Then we had to make a tree with a trunk and branches.
We explored our forest school area just like Rosie the hen did on her walk. We went under, over, through, up and around using the rope trail. It was great fun!