Forest School
It snowed! We took the opportunity to work together as a team to problem solve. We had planned to have a fire and cook but found that our logs and branches were too wet and in short supply. To solve this we gathered and sorted different lengths of wood and constructed two shelters to keep them dry. Great team work!
Of course when we had some fun in the snow - snowballs, snow angels, writing our names and rolling in it!
We looked at what it means to belong to a team and how it makes us feel when we belong. We wanted to make a badge to show that we belonged to a forest school club. Take a look and see if you can work out what our badge had to include.
This week we looked after our part of the world by litter picking. The children had asked for litter pickers to help tidy our woods.
This week we continued using our senses to explore and understand our world. We had stillness time, with eyes closed, to use our sense of hearing as well as finding and feeling our way around. The raindrops felt cold on our faces when we looked up!
Today we continued our science and understanding of the world learning by exploring using our sense of touch. We had to feel objects and use words to describe them.
Today we had circle time in the woods where we explored feeling nervous. We played pass the prickle as well as blindfold games!
In forest school, we explored and discussed what makes us unique. The things we like or don’t like.