Beeches 2021/22 Year 1 & 2
Hope you have had a wonderful Easter
Our Summer Topic is ' The Seaside'
Below is our topic overview, which has a more detailed plan for the term. Hopefully we will manage a trip to seaside before the summer holiday.
Here is some general information,
PE is timetabled for Monday's and Friday's but please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school for the whole term.
Children will need their outdoor kit, which can included black/blue leggings/joggers.
Forest school's will continue to take place on Tuesday afternoons, remember wellie and old clothes- even in the summer they will need long sleeve and trousers.
Please send your child in daily, with a raincoat and named water bottle. When the weather improves, please, also send suntan lotion (with your children's name on) and a sun hat.
Children will need their reading and spelling books in daily. Please remember to sign in your child's reading record every time you hear your child reads. As a school, we ask parents to hear your child read at home 3 times a week, you can always get other family member to help.
Thank you for your support with your child's reading and spellings.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Always here to help.
(Someone will be on the gate first thing and end of the day to take messages or contact the office to arrange a meeting)
I will aim to upload photographs regularly to this page so keep an eye on this page
Thank you
Mrs Rylatt
Topic overview
Spring 2022 Topic Overview
Beeches and Willows Violin Performance November 2021
This term Year 1 and 2 children from Beeches and Willows have been learning the Violin with Heather McFarlane, from Gloucestershire Music. Today they had the opportunity to perform to the whole school. They all did an amazing job and the whole school thoroughly enjoyed it. Click here to see the recording, we hope you enjoy it!
Hello Beeches Families,
Our Topic next term is 'The Great Fire of London'
Below is a topic web with areas of learning we will be focusing on.
We have some wonderful things planned and even a visit from the fire service.
Looking forward to a fantastic learn of learning
Mrs Rylatt
General information for the start of term,
As we start a new school year, I am so looking forward to working in partnership with you to benefit your child. Here is some information that we hope you will find helpful.
This term we are having a focus on reading and as a part of this initiative we will be having a class FOX who will encourage the children to read in school and at home. When he comes to your home there will also be a Julia Donaldson book and a note of the focus for the night’s visit.
Please could your child bring their book bag to school every day and their reading book, reading record. Your child will bring home HF words (High Frequency words) and spelling during the term. We will also occasionally send home Maths/ Phonics games or topic work. High Frequency Words are the words that occur most often in reading books, so knowing them by sight will help your child gain pace and fluency in their reading. These HF (high frequency words) are on card and in a little bag and we will tick them when we check them in class but they will not be changed until they have read them at speed several times. Ideally you should hear your child read three times a week and a note made in their Reading Record Book. Reading little and often will help your child in all areas of their learning.
Our school PE kit is black daps, white or red tops and black shorts. In winter you can also add a long-sleeved top in black, white or grey, a hoodie and joggers or leggings in similar colours. PE will normally take place on Wednesdays and Fridays and we will keep their kits on their pegs for the term. Forest Schools is on Tuesdays, so please bring in every Tuesday trouser, wellies, a long-sleeved top, spare socks, a coat, and spare plastic bag as these clothes may get wet and muddy!
Our weather is always changing, and we love to get outside at playtimes and for outdoor learning opportunities so please always bring a labelled coat or rain mac.
Please send your child in with a labelled water bottle. Your child can refill their water bottles during the day. In addition to the fruit snack provided for your children in the afternoon you might wish to send in a healthy snack for morning break. Every child in KS1 are able to order a hot school dinner daily.
Please ensure you label everything including their snack pots and PE kit as this make it easier and quicker in class to ensure children bring home their own belongings.
If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns please speak to me and I am sure together we can find a solution
Mrs Rylatt (Beeches Class teacher)