Autumn 2

Here are some more photos sharing our learning.
Now that the boar have moved on, we have been having a great time with our outdoor learning.
We have played hide and seek using our sense of sight, blindfold mazes using our sense of touch and followed safety rules using our sense of hearing.
We also used our knowledge to help find the nocturnal animals in our wood.
Can you spot a hedgehog?
This week we have started our exploration of the dark including finding out which woodland animals are nocturnal.
Remembrance Day.
We listened to and learnt about the special time of Remembrance.
Then we wrote Remembrance prayers and made poppy wreaths.

Fireworks Fun!
Lots of firework exploration and creativity has taken place this week!
We sang songs, explored musical instruments and firework sounds, created our own firework songs as well as made firework shakers. We used different sized rice, beans and peas to make different sounds.

We also created firework pictures by printing with tubes, independently made 3D firework rockets as well as followed a recipe to make Marshmallow Sparklers.