Summer 2 Wk 4 22.06.20
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- Summer 2 Wk 4 22.06.20
Hello Beeches!
Thank you for sending me your emails and lovely pictures.
Some of you have been a bit quiet this week and must be out enjoying the sunshine.
Well done to all our school and home learners. We are so proud of you

Bubbles Animation

Where would the bubbles take you?
Optional resources to use in Week 4. Please feel free to adapt them
DIY Water Bottle Snake Bubble Wand
Using just a water bottle, sock and duct tape you can create a fun bubble wand that makes amazing snake bubbles. Have a go!
Mister Maker | Bubble Printing
Mister Maker shows us how to get arty with this fantastic bubble printing picture! Try it yourselves and send me a picture!
Rainbow Breath - Flow | GoNoodle
Raise your energy and make a rainbow breath like we practised in school.
Keep it up with your phonics and maths! Below are useful websites: