Summer 2
We had a FANTASTIC day out
to Chepstow Castle.
We explored big and small places, climbed tall turrets, listened and learnt things from Minstrel Tom and had a picnic on the castle green.
Mrs. Spence was extremely proud of how we listened to others, asked questions and respected the old ruins - that's not Mrs. Spence and Mrs. Lewis! Our behaviour was out of this world! And so were our smiles!
We have been going beanstalk and castle crazy over the last couple of weeks!
Have a look at our learning...

On Monday, a mysterious long and winding beanstalk had appeared...
we climbed up it until....
we climbed into the clouds,
high up in the sky!
Following on from our exploration of seeds,
we have been reading all about
Jasper’s Beanstalk,
a book by Mick Inkpen.
We have counted and sorted beans, scooped soil
and filled flowerpots.
We have made play dough plants and written our own little books about Jasper.