Larches 2024/25 Years 3 & 4
Contact Us
If you have a non-urgent enquiry, please email: – Teacher: Mrs Rylatt
Welcome to Larches
Spring 2025
Welcome to a new term, our topic is Romans (please see topic overview). We have many exciting things planned for this term, including our rescheduled trip and our music trip to Bristol.
Please remember to read regularly, learn your personalised spellings and multiplications facts.
Your child will need their books bags in daily and please write in their reading records.
REMEMBER (spring 1 and 2)- swimming is planned for Monday afternoons and Larches have their PE lesson with ProStars on Tuesday afternoons. (This many change but we will send a message out)
Thank you for your continued support.
Everyone is welcome to attend our weekly celebration worship on Friday afternoons in the hall.
Nicola Rylatt
Welcome to Larches
Class- Teacher Mrs Rylatt
TA-Mrs Milner
This term our topic will be Stone Age so please look at our topic web for more details. (which is attached below)
Please remember to read regularly at home and record this in your child's reading record, as I will be monitoring this.
Children will also be bring home spelling regularly which will be class (everyone has the same) and personal spelling. These will be in their bag. Your child will need to look at the word, read it, then cover the word, once the word is covered write the word and check whether you have written it correctly. Some ideas to help learn spellings are-
-rainbow write the words,
-large bubble write the word and then fill the word in
-write the words in silly sentences
-make up rhymes about the words (Mnemonics) to help learn the new word.
The class would love to hear your rhymes or method which you are using
To support your child math learning at home, please continue to help them with their KIRFs target (attached are the targets)
As always we are a busy classroom with lots of learning in different locations, so please can you label jumpers, coats, snack box and drink bottles as this will be w wonderful help.
PE is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday afternoons but it may change.
If any parents or grandparents wish to volunteer for an afternoon to hear readers or to help with a subject then please come and have a chat.
I love taking photographs so you can see your children's learning so please keep looking at this class page regularly.
I am looking forward to working together
Mrs Rylatt