Weekly ideas to help - week 2 and 3
Another week...
Firstly, well done for surviving week 1!
and secondly, I hope you managed to have some fun outside in the glorious sunshine.
Below are some more suggestions linked to our Spring Poem. Hopefully they will be of interest or help.
Again, please don’t put pressure on your self, or on your child, to do these activities.
Whatever you do do together - or that your child does on their own - I would love to hear about it,
Take care of each other Big Willows and Little Willows,
love Mrs. Spence
Spring Greens by Shirley Hughes
This week...
- Wash the car! This will help with gross motor skills, sensory exploration and all sorts!
- Wash toy cars, dolls, clothes, teddies - role play opportunity to be a car wash, mechanic, mummy, daddy, launderette
- Use a washing line to peg matching pairs of socks and gloves. How many pairs? How many pegs? How many feet would fill the socks? How many fingers would fill the gloves? Peg numbers in order.
- In the bath, be a bubble factory by squeezing sponges and making froth from the soap. Fill different containers, use different sized sponges or flannels.
- Blow bubbles and catch them, count them, see how high they fly.
- Sow lettuce seeds. Make a salad. Cook with cabbage. Chop spring greens. Taste spring greens! Slice cucumbers.
- Share the poem again and turn it into a song. Use your jars and tubs and sticks from last week to help with the beat or tune.
- Ride your bike and scooter. Make a road using objects or chalk. Number the houses along the way. Make a car park space for your bike
- Make a junk model car with different shaped boxes and lids etc. Name the 2d and 3D shapes. Will teddy fit in? How many Lego men can fit in? What happens if I add more?
- Have a mud kitchen, or sand or stone kitchen. Use old pans, pots and plates to make a pretend Spring Soup or stew. Write a recipe or shopping list
- Make a real Spring vegetable soup for tea
I will also try and upload he sounds for set 1 and 2 so that you can print them off and help your child to remember the sounds of each letter or group of letters.