Our Governors
The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools
Governors’ Duties
The Governors have statutory duties, as follows:
- To ensure delivery of the National Curriculum.
- To oversee the annual budget. Through the Resources Committee the Governing Body controls and monitors the expenditure of the school. Day to day decisions are delegated to the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.
- To be kept informed on all aspects of the day-to-day running and organisation of the school.
- To take decisions on the appropriate levels of staff and to make appointments, where necessary,
- To inspect the condition and repair of the school premises.
- To determine the use of the premises out of school hours.
Governor's Meetings
The full Governing Body meets once per term, or six times a year. An average meeting will typically review previous minutes, discuss reports from committees and from the Headteacher. Any new policies are reviewed and approved and, following discussion, decisions may be approved as a result of proposals from committees and the Headteacher. A number of these policies are available for you to view on the website.
The following committees meet regularly throughout the year to enable governors to carry out their business in the most effective manner and share the governing body’s responsibilities:
Performance, Standards and Community Committee
- Curriculum
- Teaching & Learning
- Special Education Needs
- Ethos & Values
- Data & Performance
- Safeguarding
- School Profile
- Communications
- Events
- Stakeholder Engagement/Liaison
- Pastoral Care
- School Development Plan
- School's Self Evaluation
Resources Committee
- Finance including the National Tutoring Grant, Covid Premiums, Pupil Premium & Sports Premium
- Pay
- HR & Personnel
- Staff training
- Performance Management
- Health & Safety
- Premises
- School website
- Contract Monitoring – cleaning, catering & landscaping
- School Development Plan
- School's Self Evaluation
Current Governors
Local Authority Governor - Mrs Emma Smith
Parent Governors - Mr Ian Watkins, Mrs Catherine Brearey
Co-opted Governors - Rev Paul Wignall, Ian Lavery (Vice-Chair), Rich Pitman, Vacancy X 2
Staff Governor - Mrs Emma Spence
Foundation Governors - Rev Clare Edwards (Ex-Officio), Mr Tony Hughes (Chair)
Headteacher - Mrs Ione Haroun (from Sept 2024)
Additional Attendees
Clerk to the Governors - VACANCY
Nominated Governors
Nominated governors will take responsibility for the following areas:
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – Emma Smith
Safeguarding and Child Protection – (Acting) -Emma Smith
Children in Care – Emma Smith
Pupil Premium– Emma Smith
Health and Safety – Tony Hughes
School Website – VACANCY
Wellbeing – VACANCY
FGB Meeting Dates 2024/25
- 9th October 2024
- 4th December 2024
- 5th February 2025
- 19th March 2025
- 21st May 2025
- 9th July 2025
Please Note : Hybrid meetings are currently taking place
PSC meetings are held on Thursdays at 7pm. Resources and FGB meetings are held two weeks later at 6pm and 7pm respectively.
Summary of Disqualification Regulations for Governors
Please note: No members of school staff receive a salary of £100k or more.
Governors Budget Plan 23-24
Governors Budget Plan 22-23
Governors Budget Plan 21/22
Should you have any questions regarding any aspects of the Governance of our school please do not hesitate to contact either the Chair of Governors -