Autumn 1 The Wonder Of Me
During this term, Years 1 and 2 will be learning how to play the ukulele for a block of 10 weeks!
Get those fingers warmed up and ready to go!
Pro Stars will be leading the main PE session every Tuesday with an additional Thursday session.
Forest School sessions will be starting on Wednesday 11th. All children MUST HAVE their kit in ready to explore on that day and every Wednesday following. To see what your child will need to fully access Forest School please take a look on the website or ask Mrs. Spence
We have been learning about harvest festivals near us and around the world. We baked apple pinwheel with harvested apples 🍎
Hot Seating!
This week, we had visitors to our school. They had travelled from the city in our book “The Extraordinary Gardener”.
We asked them questions about their new plants. We would like to say thank you to Brenda and her baby, Graham and Duckstar for helping us with our English!