Our new topic is WATER!
Last week we spent the day recapping different types of seaside entertainment then and now. Something that hasn’t changed too much over the years is a Punch and Judy theatre we made our own theatres, backdrops, curtains and moving puppets - as well as creating stories to act out!
After looking at maps and atlases, we chose to find out more about cold places, in particular the Arctic.
We watched a video and heard about the different animals and their camouflage as well as listened to stories about the animals and the Northern Lights. We decided to try and make ice so we filled balloons with water, put them in the freezer and waited. Then we had fun exploring!
Inspired by the story of Mr. Gumpy’s Day Out, we tried to make plasticine and foil boats that didn’t sink and could hold the animals from the story.

We used watery paint and straws to make tropical fish, then we added numbers to 5 on the back. We had to collect fish from our boats that added up to 10. It was great fun!
Over the last couple of weeks, we have begun to explore the theme of water.
We visited the seaside and had a paddle, we’ve explored and measured in the mud kitchen - pouring, filling, tipping, we have added water to paint and splattered and flicked. We have found how to move objects with water, made boats with patterned sails, anchors, chains, portholes and more! As well as investigated making a boat that floats for teddy.
In Forest School sessions, we have investigated, explored and sorting sticks into those that float and those that don’t as we are making wooden stick rafts.
We also have been adding the right amount of water to make soil turn into sticky mud that will stick to the trunk or branch of a tree to make a mud monster.

We have continued our Spring topic for a few more weeks so that we can look at non-fiction books and information to help Jasper the Cat learn more about snails, bugs and plants. Today we made a list of questions that we want to find the answer to. Oh yes, and we went on a SNAIL HUNT 🐌

Slo Mo!