National Anti-Bullying Week 16th-20th November
Dear Parents/Carers,
It is National Anti-Bullying Week this week!!
The official theme this year is ‘United Against Bullying’, this fits nicely with our value of Friendship this term.
We will be exploring this theme within our classes (but also throughout the year as part of our PSHE curriculum).
The video below can be used to introduce your children to this years’ theme. It leaves children with the question of what they can do to.
Parents and carers are a vital piece of the puzzle in tackling bullying. You have a unique role to play in guiding and supporting children through their school years and there are lots of positive steps you can take to help keep your child safe from bullying and harm .
Further resources for parents/carers can be found via the link below:
If you are worried about bullying and need some advice or support you can contact the Kidscape Parent Advice Line. You can find out more about it at: